How to get Banned
Prop Pushing & Spamming
Committing Douche Baggery
Mic Spamming
Annoying or Lag Inducing Builds
Any form of Abuse
Lacking of Common Sense
Crashing Server on Purpose
Adult Content
Addon suggestions
Assistance in Finding Addon Bugs
Helping others
Server Location: Kansas City
Note: Be nice to the staff AND the players!
Server Operators
BleepMoral support
DeathMoral support
Gangster JesusMoral support
Validating Workshop Collection ...

How to become an Admin

Help us find & resolve bugs in addons that can potentially crash the server. You must be mature and willing to help manage the server with a willingness to help with management in general. No "Can I haz adminz plzzz".

About The Server

Astro Servers started with minecraft, but then has abandoned that for the better players of Gmod. AstroGmod is run completely by the owner, and the only help is with punishing rulebreakers, by the admins.